Blog “Articles from the Author”

Hello everyone! I’m full of new ideas and ways to express myself on my own platform, if you will. I am looking forward to writing an article, telling a story or presenting things I’ve learned. I’ll say again I’m excited to be able to do this. I have always wanted to express myself through writing and now I can. I think I’ve written down enough topics for about a year’s worth of articles! Blog posts, excuse me. So, enjoy. I’m not sure if you can leave comments or if you can leave your own post yet about these posts on my blog, but I’ll figure it out I’m doing my website all by myself and it’s taking some time just put it that way! Everyone have a wonderful wonderful day and I hope you come back and look at my post that I put on here for you, for me ever how you want to look at it. I’m just a country girl from North Georgia and I say things how I say it. If you like it you like it if you don’t you don’t but the material is there for you or the story. Some will make you cry some will make you laugh to your sides hurt. Stay safe out there, keep rolling and press on drivers!

By April

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