I could do less complaining!

What could you do less of?

I have found that lately I complain more than I am grateful or thankful. I didn’t realize this until me and my bestie got together and all I did was gab on and on about this situation and that situation and I don’t like this and I don’t like that. I have so much to be thankful and grateful for so I made a conscious effort not to complain about traffic, having to got to work early, getting off late, working on Saturdays, its cold out, its raining out, my darn old car, my little paycheck, my messy house, my big fat body! You get the idea, I changed it up, Thank God I am getting to work all week and on Saturdays. That means it was better than last winter already because we are half way through winter and we are still plugging away! I am thankful that my older car is still getting me to and fro and back home again. I am thankful that I got to drive my truck to North Carolina and help those people up there. You go up there complaining to yourself about stuff that don’t really matter and look around at what they could be complaining about but they aren’t, they are just working and working to get back that little bit of normalcy they once had before the hurricane. My life is grand and the things I have to be thankful for far outweigh the things I complain about! BE THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL FOR RIGHT NOW. Everyone have a great week out there on the road or wherever  you are this week.

By April


These are a few pictures I took of Chimney Rock North Carolina.

For the past month I have been working in Hendersonville North Carolina to aid in the cleanup from Hurricane Helene. I came up here on October 9th and we began to haul rock in to fix the damaged roads and the roads that were completely washed away. It is the most horrific scene I’ve ever witnessed in my life. The people of North Carolina have taken a hit so hard it will take years to clean up the aftermath of Helene. We are supposedly going to be here for a year but who knows. Thanksgiving is around the corner and will be going home for a week. There are about 20 drivers from Gainesville Georgia in my group that came up here to help. I want to give a shout out to all the DOT workers and the lineman and all the other people as well as my group who are aiding in this cleanup. There is a lot of devastation here and people who have lost everything. I’m not sure if everyone’s aware of how bad it is up here but just check out your social media and I will post some pictures to my platform here so you can get a better idea of what has happened here. I’ll give the people of North Carolina this, they are very resilient. It is very beautiful here and I’m proud to be helping to make it beautiful again. April Price

Author and founder of Real Trucker Solutions.

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